Trending Now : Home Lift for Your Comfort!

Tentang Lift - 24/03/2021
Cibes Home Lift

Cibes Home Lift

When stairs become too much, the Cibes Home Lift provides the ideal solution for staying in your home. Designed and patented using the latest technology of screw-driven, our Cibes lift makes your life easier by provide you with more convenient way to access different level in your home. The Cibes Home Lift looked great in your home, blending perfectly with your surrounding and interior design.


Your lift, your home, your style

Home Lift by Cibes : Perfect Solution for Home

We understand how precious space is in your home. That’s why our experts had designed Cibes Lift for home with features such as a small footprint, taking no more space than an arm chair. You will have the freedom to place the lift almost anywhere in your house! A home lift right in the middle of a staircase? Why not!


We also perfectly understand that your home is unique, it is a true reflection of your personality and your life. That is why we will allow you to create the lift of your own, a home lift that will become a nice addition to your interior design. A wide range of colors, consists of 248 RAL colors and finishes allow you to match the lift with your existing décor. It will become a truly elegant feature in your house, promise!


Enjoy the freedom of staying with your loved ones, and don’t let their limited accessibility get in the way. Our home lifts are simple, easy to use, yet elegant and smart. You might choose different sizes according to your need. Our home lift do not need major reconstruction to be installed, with integrated machine room and small foot print, we can fit in any corner or limited space in your place, whether it is indoor or outdoor.


Find out more about our home lifts by visiting our main page here or contact one of our customer service and book your appointment for a visit today! Call / Whatsapp : 0813-8700-6700

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