Are You Ready to Install a Home Lift?

Instalasi - 24/03/2021
Are You Ready to Install a Home Lift? Here’s Information You Should Know About Home Lifts

Are You Ready to Install a Home Lift? Here’s Information You Should Know About Home Lifts

Information You Should Know About Home Lifts

Are you ready to install a home lift? Home lifts are a convenient and luxurious addition to homes. Here’s more information you should know.

If you have trouble moving around your home, you may not have ever considered the option of a home elevator. Home elevators were once a luxury afforded only to the rich. But now they’re a viable solution for making homes barrier-free and more easily navigated. Plus, adding a residential elevator can add value to your property. But do you know which home elevator is right for you? We’ll go over everything you need to know.

Types of Home Elevators

Depending on your home’s specific construction, there are three different sorts of elevators:
  • Screw Driven
This type of elevator is the most often used in residential situations. With a screw driven elevator, a long screw shaft and drive nut are used to raise and lower the platform. Between the rails, there’s an electric motor that’s connected to the screw shaft by belts. The drive nut is attached to the platform. As the screw shaft rotates, the drive nut and platform are moved up or down along the shaft. And because the controller and motor unit are located in the hoist way, there is no need for a separate machine room. All of this makes the screw driven elevator and ideal home elevator.
  • Hydraulic
The hydraulic elevator can be installed in newer home, but forget about it in existing homes. Plus it requires a machine room. Thus, hydraulic elevators don’t make for great residential elevators.
  • Traction
Because it slides up and down a track with a counterweight, this elevator doesn’t need a machine room. But it does require space above the elevator to accommodate the equipment that runs it. This also makes it not ideal for a residence. Having a residential elevator allows you to retain your independence, privacy, and autonomy. And for most people, the obvious choice is the screw driven elevator. But there are some things you’ll need to consider in terms of safety.

Safety Considerations

Right out of the gate, you’ll want to look for these important safety features:
  • Emergency battery to activate safety features
  • Backup lighting system to illuminate the cabin if there is a power outage
  • Automatic Lowering device to bring the user to a lower floor in case of a power failure
  • Doors and gates controlled with electro-mechanical locks
  • Automatic doors
  • Alarm button
  • Handrail
  • Telephone
Also, ensure that your local professional elevator contractor knows the local code and inspection requirements. Depending on where you live, you may need a government inspection and a permit before you can use your elevator.

Will It Fit Your Design?

Of course, safety is your first concern. But you’ll probably want a residential elevator that doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb from the rest of your decor. Purchase your home elevator from a manufacturer that offers a high level of customization. You should have choices for features like lighting, flooring, cab finish, and style of gate. And avoid anything involving a lot of construction that requires bulky parts and equipment. To ensure a clean, hassle-free fit and installation, take the time to find the right elevator for you. Not the second best. After all, your home elevator should benefit you and your house–not the other way around.

Enjoy the Freedom of Mobility

The technological innovations with home elevators have made great strides in the past decade or so. So if you think you or a loved one could benefit from having a screw driven home elevator, now is the time. Contact us today to find out more and get started on your journey to increased freedom.

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